文档页数:94文档大小:13.07MB文档格式:pdf目 帐 、X系列工作站LINUX安装调试.. 、工作站安装Red Hat Enterprise Linux. 二、工作站安装SUSE LINUX10. .8 三、制作LINUX 阵列卡驱动软盘.
55 四、red hat 1inux下安装显卡驱动.. .60 二、使用Restore plus光盘恢复VISTA 系统. .68 三、HP Performance Tuning Framework 软件使用. 80 一、XW系列工作站LINUX安装调试 、工作站安装RedHatEnterpriseLinux 1.把RedHatEnterpriseLinux第一张安装光盘放入光驱,并从光盘引导.
redhat. Red HatEnterpriseLinux press thekey. To install or upgrade Rad Hat Enterprise Linux in graphical nodeTo instal1 or upgrade linux text . Bad Hat Enterprise Linux in text modetype: Use the function keys listed belou for more infornation. boot: linux dd_ 3.进入文本安装界面,选择有设备磁盘驱动 Welcote to Red Hat Enterprise Linux /betueenelements 1selects1next screen 4.选择从软盘进行加载
clcote toRed HatEnterprise Lix Driver Disk Source You have multiple devices uhich could serve as sources for a driver disk. Which uould you like to use? hde BPJ hdf hda Cancel / F12> 5.插入制作好的驱动软盘(磁盘控制卡驱动),并且选择ok Melcore to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Insert Driuer Disk Insert your driver disk into deufdB Back >betueen 6.1inux安装程序开始读取软盘
clconc to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Loading Reading driver disk... /betucen elements1selects1next screen 注:如果驱动加载成功,将直接出现步骤8的界面,如果加载没有成功,会有如下提示,只要 选择:Manually choose 然后选择:LSI Logic megaraid_sas Driver 即可 toRed Hat EnterpriseLinux Error No devices of the appropriate type Would you like tomally select uere found on this driver disk. the driver continue anyuy.or load another driver disk? Hanually choose Continue Load another disk /betueen elements1selects 1next screen
el tonedHat EnterpriseLinux Select Device Driver to Load it does not appear and you have a driver diskpress F2. Please select the driver belou which you uish to load. If LSI Logic Fusion HPT Base Driver (mptbase) LSI Logic Fusion MPT SCS1 Driver (mptscsih) regaRA1D418 428 438 466 762(megaraid) Hylex DAC96B RAID Contro1ler (DAC968) [ 1 Specify optional module argunents OK /Welcote to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Loading SCSI driver Loading megaraidz driver... /betueen elements 1 selects 1nextscreen 7.选择没有其他设备从磁盘加载