API RP 621-2022 金属闸阀、球阀和止回阀的修复
文档页数:54文档大小:17.07MB文档格式:pdfReconditioning of Metallic Gate Globeand Check Valves API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 621 FIFTH EDITION.OCTOBER 2022 AP American Petroleum Institute avided by S&P Global urder licerse with API Licensee-Uriversty of Now South Wales/9995758001.User-lala.la Na reproduction or networking without ioense fram S&P Global Not for Resale 1027/2022 07:3720 MDT Special Notes API publications necessarily address problems of a general nature.With respect to particular circumstances localstate and federal laws and regulations should be reviewed.The use of API publications is voluntary.In some casesthird parties or authorities having jurisdiction may choose to incorporate API standards by reference and may mandate pliance. Neither API nor any of API's employees subcontractors consultants mittees or other assignees make any warranty or representation either express or implied with respect to the accuracy pleteness or usefulness of the information contained herein or assume any liability or responsibility for any use or the results of such use of any information or process disclosed in this publication.Neither API nor any of API's employees subcontractorsconsultants or other assignees rep...