文档页数:14文档大小:335.26KB文档格式:pdfay11,2007 SUBJECT 50VOUTLINE OF INVESTIGATIONFORINFRARED VIEWPORTSISSUE NUMBER :1may11,2007 Summary of TopicsThis is the First issue of the Outline of Investigation for InfraredViewports ,Subject .Infrared ( )viewports are intended for factoryinstallation in doors or walls of electrical enclosures for installation inordinary ( non-hazardous)locations to allow the use of IR scanners formonitoring temperatures of the enclosed equipment on which theviewport is installed ,without promising the integrity of the enclosurewith respect to access to live parts . The Foreword is no longer located within the UL Standard .For informationconcerning the use and application of the requirements contained in thisStandard ,the current version of the UL Foreword is located onULStandardslnfoNet at :http ://ulstandardsinfonet.ul . /ulforeword.html spmtwswmolelbrihiSmt COPYRIGHT 2007 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC20398862007804pm 2 20 COPYRIGHTED MATERIALNOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORDISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM ULSUBJECT 50Vmay11,2007 No Text on This Page20398860077804p LCOPYRIGHTED MATERIANOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION ORD...