【英文原版】SketchUp室内设计 SketchUp for Interior Design
建模软件正在迅速取代传统的二维绘图软件作为设计师创造和交流的工具。 由于其价格低廉且SketchUp 相对学习曲线短。这本书适合想要开始并运行的初学者。
您可能想知道为什么要阅读 SketchUp 书,内容如此之多在线的。我的回答是,在线内容虽然非常好,但没有组织。如果你不知道软件的功能是什么,您不知道要询问或搜索什么。这本书以有序的方式引导您完成 SketchUp。它的目的是让你熟悉它的许多能力。为实现该目标,工具和功能在各自的下方进行了简要描述
覆盖范围特定于室内设计师和室内建筑师的兴趣:如何建模室内空间,研究规模和比例,测试不同的想法,提出解决方案,规划空间,并生成建筑平面图、立面图和剖面图。还有例子展示 SketchUp 与其他软件程序和手绘工具的结合最大的实用性和灵活性。
不需要其他绘图软件的知识。但是,假设读者具有基本的建筑制图知识,例如平面图、室内立面图、透视图、等轴测图和剖面图。这本书展示了如何使用 SketchUp 创建那些图纸;它没有讨论它们是什么。如果你能从起草复习中受益,本前言末尾列出了一些资源。
由于 PC 是室内设计和建筑领域的标准配置,因此屏幕截图来自个人电脑。在 Mac 上的操作不同的地方,添加了 Mac 截图。专业版(付费版SketchUp)也被讨论了,因为 Pro 对学生和学校来说很便宜。尽管Make(免费)和 Pro 中的所有工具都以相同的方式工作,Pro 具有所需的附加功能专业工作能力。
SketchUp for Interior Design -10
Title Page -6
Copyright -5
Contents -4
Foreword -2
Chapter 1: What Is SketchUp and How Do Interior Designers Use It? p8
What Is SketchUp? p8
Who Uses It? p9
Is It Easy to Learn? p9
What Is SketchUp Used For? p9
The Difference between Traditional CAD Drawings and Models p9
How SketchUp Displays the Model p10
Types of Models p10
What SketchUp Make (Free Version) Can Do p11
What SketchUp Pro Can Do p12
How Designers Use SketchUp p16
Chapter 2: Getting Started p20
Hardware, Operating System, and Browser Requirements p20
The Video Card p21
The Space Navigator 3D Mouse p21
Use a Tablet PC p22
Download SketchUp Make p23
The Workspace p27
Run Multiple SketchUp Files at the Same Time p29
Save Options p30
Backup Files p31
Chapter 3: Exploring the Interface p32
Select or Change a Template p32
Add the Large Tool Set p32
The Select Tool p34
The Rectangle Tool p35
The Inference Engine p35
The Push/Pull Tool p36
Input Numbers p37
The Pan and Orbit Tools p38
Modifier Keys p39
The Escape Key p39
The Zoom Tool p39
The Views Toolbar: Generate Orthographic Drawings p39
Select with Selection and Crossing Windows p42
Select by Clicking, Right-Clicking, and Holding the Shift and Control Keys p43
The Move Tool p44
Customize the Desktop p45
Make a Custom Template p48
The Help Function p49
Manage Dialog Boxes p49
Chapter 4: Modeling Furniture, Cabinetry, and Accessories p52
Faces and Edges p52
The Eraser Tool and Erasing p52
The Pencil and Freehand Tools p53
The Move Tool p54
Stickiness p55
Groups p56
Causes of a Non-Filling Face p58
Color-Coordinate the Model’s Lines with the Axes by Changing the Edge Style Setting p59
Model a Table p60
Model a Bookcase p69
Model a Clock with Radial Array p86
Chapter 5: Drafting, Modeling, and Furnishing a Floor Plan p92
Prepare a Raster File for Import p92
Draft a Plan by Tracing a Raster Image p92
Trace Interior Walls p100
Edge Styles Again p101
From Plan to Model p103
Flashing Planes p107
Draft a Plan from a Paper Sketch p109
Interior vs. Exterior Models p115
Components in Single- vs. Double-Sided Walls p115
Create Plan and Elevation Views p123
Model a Building from an AutoCAD Plan p128
Interact with Revit, 20–20, and Other Programs p131
“Clipping” (Disappearing Geometry) p132
Model a Sloped Ceiling with the Protractor Tool p132
Chapter 6: Modeling a Two-Story House Interior p138
Model the Shell and First Floor p138
Model the Second Floor p144
Model the Living Room p152
Model a Cabinet p154
Model Crown Molding with the Follow Me Tool p158
Model a Stairs Guard p162
Edit a Downloaded Staircase p163
The Outliner p171
Chapter 7: Painting with Colors, Textures, and Photo-Matching p176
What Is Painting? p176
Paint with Native SketchUp Materials p176
Paint with Textures p181
Paint the Stairs p183
Import Swatches from Other Models p185
Put New Colors and Textures into the Software p185
Check Face Orientation on Painted Surfaces with Entity Info and Face Style p187
Apply a Real-Life Design Scheme to the Model p187
Import a Texture p190
Import an Image p195
Photo-Match an Interior Space p209
Chapter 8: Enhancing and Presenting the Model p216
Annotate the Model: Dimensions and Text p216
Dimension a Floor Plan p221
Scenes p231
The Walk-Through Tools p238
What Are Dynamic Components? p240
Save vs. Export p243
Enhance with Other Software p245
Enhance with Hand-Rendering p245
Why SketchUp May Run Slow p253
Chapter 9: Plugins and LayOut p260
What’s a Plugin? p260
LayOut p272
SketchUCation Forum p284
Index 279