英文版 DOE 电气安全手册 DOE Handbook for Electrical Safety.pdf
文档页数:347文档大小:6.35MB文档格式:pdfTSNOT MEASUREMENTSENSITIVERevision 1.19.2012DOE HANDBOOKELECTRICAL SAFETYENTOrU.S. Department of EnergyAREA SAFTWashington ,D .C.20585 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A .Approved for public release ;distribution is unlimitedAvailable on the Department of EnergyTechnical Standards ProgramWeb site athttp :/ /.hss.doe.gov/nuclearsafety/techstds/. PageFOREWORDThis Department of Energy (DOE)Handbook is approved for use by the Office ofHealth ,Safety and Security and is available all DOE ponents and theircontractorsSpecific ments (remendations,additions ,deletions ,and any pertinent data )toenhance this document should be sent to : Patrick TranHS-12 /Germantown U.S. Department of Energy1000 Independence Ave .SWWashingtonDC20585-0270This DOE Electrical Safety Handbook replaces the DOE Electrical Safety Handbookthat was originally issued in 1998 ,and revised in 2004 .DOE handbooks are part ofthe DOE directives system and are issued to provide supplemental informationregarding the Department's expectations for fulfilling its requirements as contained inrules ,Orders ,Notices ,and regulatory standards .The handbooks may also providea...