文档页数:3文档大小:211.41KB文档格式:pdf粉煤灰综合利用 2015n0.3 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION试验与应用 用吸附法从粉煤灰碱性溶液里提取锂 Experimental Study on Litohium Extraction from Fly Ash Alkaline Solution by Absorption Method侯永茹,李彦恒,代红,侯晓琪 (河北工程大学河北省资源勘测研究重点实验室,河北邯郸056038) 摘要:选择二氧化锰离子筛对经预处理粉煤灰碱性溶液中锂离子进行吸附,将锂离子在大量的粉煤灰碱性溶液 里分离出来,其分离效果可达1.5g/L以上,分离率为80%~85%,使用原子吸收法测定锂的含量,测定结果表明:二氧化 锰离子筛对锂离子的分离效果较好,可作为粉煤灰碱性溶液中锂的吸附剂 关键词锂;二氧化锰;离子筛;分离 中图分类号:X773 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2015)03-0010-03 Hou Yongru ,Li Yanheng ,Dai Hong Hou Xiaoqi( KeyLaboratory of Resource Exploration Research of Hebei Province ,Hebei University of Engineering ,Handan ,Hebei 056038 ,China ) Abstract :Because manganese dioxide ionic sieve of lithium ion has a distinctive role in selective adsorption ,the lithium ions can be separatedfrom a large amount of fly ash under alkaline liquor .The separation efficiency can reach more than 1.5 g /Land the separation rate is 80% -85%The atomic absorption method is used to measure the content of lithium .The results show that manganese dioxide ionic sieve of lithium ionseparation effect is very good ,which can be used as a fly ash adsorbent of lithium in alkaline solution . Key Words :lithium ;manganese dioxide ;ionic sieve ;separat...