文档页数:2文档大小:32.5KB文档格式:doc工程名称Works title :: sh/t3903-B.9.6 月工程费用控制情况评析 Monthly Works Cost Control Assessment编号Item No : 本月工程费用情况 Monthly works cost status本月实际完成金额 素计完成金额占总预算金额 万元Accumulated pleted sum accounting forActually pleted sumthe total budgets本月扣除预付款 累计扣除预付款占总预付款 Accumulated deducted down payment accounting forDeducted down paymentof the total down payment本月监理批准付款 累计批准付款额 万元 万元 Payment approved by CS /CMC Accumulated payment approved本月发生批准索赔 累计发生索赔额 万元 万元 Claim approved by CS /CMC Accumulated occurred claims本月工程费用控制情况简析(文字或图表) Brief of monthly works cost control description or charts预计下月工程发生费用 Next month estimated works expenditure...